Each week, S&B board members read several plays to discuss at our Tuesday open meetings in Lyman 005 with an eye toward eventually choosing four shows to produce during the following academic year. When S&B isn't reading plays, members of the board support production staff by running auditions, assisting with the construction (and deconstruction) of sets and publicizing S&B events around campus.
And remember: Tuesday meetings are open to the public and we love visitors.
To suggest a play for us to read (and please, please do!), just click on "Suggest A Play" near the top right of this page or enter one into the box in the weekly listserv email.
Don't get the weekly listserv email? Email our Secretary Alexandra_Keegan@brown.edu and she'll hook you up.
P.S. Wondering what socks and buskins actually are? Well, wonder no more! A sock (other than the variety with which you are presumably familiar) is a light, low-heeled shoe worn by ancient Greek comic actors (and so, by extension, represents comedy). A buskin, on the other hand, is thick-soled laced boot, reaching to the knee or calf, worn by actors of ancient Greek tragedies (and so, by extension, came to represent the genre of tragedy itself). The thick sole of the buskin elevates the actor, raising his stature. Still not totally clear? It looks something like this: